Wednesday, February 6, 2013

D16 Group Total Bundle SilverLine Plus Classic Boxes Bundle Product Rundown and Review by Ultratone Guitars

This bundle gathers all plug-ins D16 Group have made:

Phoscyon - taking the classic analogue sound of the legendary 303 silver box into the future. It offers an unmatched sound together with many advanced features.

D16 Group Phoscyon TB-303 Synthesizer

Drumazon - emulates the famous 909 drum machine. All the instruments are synthesized in exactly the same way as the original. All the nuances and detail of the original are captured perfectly. In addition, all Drumazon instruments have enhanced controls. This extra functionality allows the user to adjust the sounds further than on the original unit.

D16 Group Drumazon TR-909 Drum Machine

Nepheton - emulates the famous 808 drum machine. All the nuances and details of the instruments sounds are 

captured perfectly. The instruments models are equipped with additional controls giving you possibility to tweak the sound much better.

D16 Group Nepheton TR-808 Drum Machine

Nithonat - is fully synthesized drum machine which emulates classic 606 box. This perfect emulation is enhanced with extra functionality taking the little pocket drum machine to the new dimension.

D16 Group Nithonat TR-606 Drum Machine

Devastor - simple but remarkable Multiband Distortion Unit. It is an enhanced version of the distortion unit from our famous Phoscyon synthesizer.

D16 Group Devastor Multi-band Distortion

Fazortan - Controlable Space Phaser created with the most advanced analog modelling techniques.

D16 Group Fazortan Controllable Space Phaser

Decimort - High Quality Bit Crusher with a complex and advanced signal processing algorithms, simulating the behavior of the whole sampling path which exists in every AD/DA converter.

D16 Group Decimort Sound Colorizer

Redoptor - High quality Vintage Tube Distortion with an exact emulation of a tube's circuits.

D16 Group Redoptor Vintage Tube Distortion Effect

Toraverb - Space Modulated Reverb is a concept algorithm reverb. It allows the user to create practically ANY type of reverb.

D16 Group Toraverb Reverb Effect

Syntorus - Double Path Analog Chorus is a chorus effecting unit with a double delay line. It's capable of emulating almost every classic unit available.

D16 Group Syntorus Analog Chorus and Delay

LuSH-101 - Multitimbral Polyphonic Synthesizer is a synthesizer, which basic simplicity combined with its multilayer architecture turns it into an easy-to-use but extremely powerful instrument that can be programmed and tweaked quickly, almost effortlessly leveraging its maximum potential.

D16 Group LuSH-101 32-voice Polyphonic Synthesizer

When this bundle grows up with a new product, all the customers who have complete bundle before the update will receive the cross-grade offer for the new product, giving them possibility to being up to date.

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